Str Amman nr.2B sect.1
08:00 - 20:00
0720 444 033
0720 444 033
THERAPY DENT is more than a dental clinic. THERAPY DENT is the relaxing space where comfort, dedication and professionalism come together for YOU to get rid of the fear of the dentist, the anxiety, or the tension that many feel when they go to the dentist.
THERAPY DENT is the first dental clinic in Romania to provide patients with a guided meditation service performed by a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist with 20 years of experience, so that no patient, whether we are talking about adults or children, will ever again feel anxiety when sitting in the dentist's chair.
We believe that the first experience a child has in the dental clinic will follow them for a lifetime, and if it is not filled with empathy and emotional comfort, then what kind of smile will the developing adult have? A stiff one? A hidden one?
THERAPY DENT is more than a dental clinic. THERAPY DENT is the relaxing space where comfort, dedication and professionalism come together for YOU to get rid of the fear of the dentist, the anxiety, or the tension that many feel when they go to the dentist.
THERAPY DENT is the first dental clinic in Romania to provide patients with a guided meditation service performed by a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist with 20 years of experience, so that no patient, whether we are talking about adults or children, will ever again feel anxiety when sitting in the dentist's chair.
We believe that the first experience a child has in the dental clinic will follow them for a lifetime, and if it is not filled with empathy and emotional comfort, then what kind of smile will the developing adult have? A stiff one? A hidden one?
THERAPY DENT, through its Anxiety Therapy service, is changing the traditional perspective most people have on dentistry. We no longer come to the dental clinic with fear, dread, tension!
Cure your fear of the dentist, right at the dentist
We all want to have a beautiful smile, so teeth whitening with Medency's Triplo Diode Laser is one of the most requested treatments.
When it comes to cavities, the dental laser is a patient's best friend. With its help, cavities are treated painlessly and without anaesthesia. Sounds good, doesn't it?
The dental laser ensures precise sectioning of the area on which it acts, sterilises it and stimulates the tissue regeneration process.
At THERAPY DENT we make sure that each individual child has an enjoyable experience, that they get the education they need for a lifetime to prevent more and treat less, and to adults we are committed to the promise that a wide, healthy smile is the first step to high self-esteem.
Beyond the extensive experience of our doctors, we also value the quality of medical service, and for THERAPY DENT quality means state-of-the-art equipment such as lasers, pain-free treatments, open communication in the doctor-patient relationship and transparency regarding the treatment plan.
Constant education of our doctors is also vital. Why? Because medicine never stands still, and our doctors evolve with the latest trends in medicine.
Lead Doctor
Specialist periodontist
Dental aesthetic specialist
Endodontic specialist
Psiholog Clinician
Frica de stomatolog este o problemă comună, dar nu trebuie să te oprească din a avea grijă de sănătatea ta dentară. La TherapyDent, înțelegem că vizitele la dentist pot fi stresante și vrem să îți oferim suportul necesar pentru a face această experiență mai ușoară.
Împreună cu psihoterapeutul Vicențiu Maftei, am creat un ghid complet care îți va arăta pașii pe care îi poți urma pentru a depăși teama de stomatolog. 📌 Ce vei descoperi în ghidul gratuit:
De unde vine frica de dentist? – Înțelege cauzele anxietății și cum îți influențează experiența.
2️⃣ Tehnici simple pentru a-ți controla emoțiile – Metode testate care te ajută să reduci stresul înainte și în timpul vizitei.
3️⃣ Cum să transformi vizita la dentist într-o experiență confortabilă – Sfaturi practice pentru a te simți în siguranță pe scaunul stomatologic.
4️⃣ De ce este important să depășești această teamă? – Cum îți poate afecta sănătatea orală și ce beneficii vei avea pe termen lung.
✨ Ghidul este GRATUIT! Descarcă-l acum și fă primul pas spre un zâmbet sănătos, fără frică! 👇🏻
Below you can find answers to some of the common questions asked by patients:
Payment can be made by cash, card or instalments.
You can call us, send us an email or fill in the contact form and we will contact you. More details can be found on the contact page.
Str Amman nr.2B sect.1 Bucuresti
You can contact us using the methods below or the contact form:
0720 444 033
Str Amman nr.2B sect.1 Bucuresti
Phone: 0720 444 033
Adress: Str Amman nr.2B sect.1 Bucuresti